Friday, December 26, 2008

Thanks Hanna

Hi this is special   thanks to Hanna thanks for saying thanks on ur blog that was really nice so 
THANK YOU HANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more to come...............

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Late Thanksgiving Story

Hey u asked for it here it is my really boring Thanksgiving.

My Thanksgiving started out with me talking to my best guy friend or BGF  pretty much all morning. Then the time came I had to go to my grandfathers dun dun dun. My grandfather on  my moms side he is really nice and stuff but really boring and we had to go to his retirement home for Thanksgiving diner.

When we finally sat down and were ready to get are food. I couldn't wait to dig in. But then I dug in and when I dug I lost my apatite. It was not my moms Thanksgiving diner it was the Thanksgiving diner from  hell. So then i looked forward to dessert. But know they had to ruin that to. The pumpkin pie was horrible the chocolate cake didn't even taste like chocolate. It was horrible.

But it wasn't all that bad  I mean my grandparents were really nice and maybe it was the Thanksgiving diner from hell but it was over all a good Thanksgiving. 

more to come....................=p

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hi everyone this is not a post or anything this is me just saying sorry. I was just reading some of my past posts and one of them said that I would post a thanksgiving story and I realized that I didn't and I want to say I'm sorry I forgot. Plus I don't think u want to hear  about my thanksgiving it was pretty boring sooooooooo...................I'm sorry if u want to hear the boring story comment to this post 

Again I am sorry one more post coming soon

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hello this is one of the  2 posts I am going to post over the holidays and its about one of my sports bowling.

Every Saturday I have to wake up at 8:15 am to go to bowling (I hate wakening up early on Saturdays). My teams name is Rock and Bowl (not the name I would have picked) the girls are nice and stuff but not the people I would hang with. I am the worst player on the team most of the time but I'm pretty good for a beginner (I have no idea what my average is so don't ask). We are in 7th place I think. 

Well G&G are here(grandma and grandpa) so I gtg I'll post later.

more to come...............

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hi everyone I wanted to let u know that i am going to be taking a break for the holidays . There may be one or two more post during this break. I will still be checking in so leave any comments  you have.

Thanks For Reading!!!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Best Friends

Hi I am back from my Thanksgiving break and all ready have homework yuck. 

I am going to talk about my two best friends (they rock) one is a chick and one is a dude I will talk about the chick frist because we know the rule chicks first . 

My best chick friend or BCF she rocks she is the type of friend that will drop everything to be there for you. We are like sisters we talk like sisters we fight like sisters and she is there for me like a sister. But she will rat on you like a little sister or if  you are hurting your self or going  to she will totally rat you out but I love her she rocks.

Now I'll talk about my best dude friend or BD.He is awesome he is just like me except he is not a girl. He is a great listener and when you have a secret he will not tell plus the music he listens to is really cool \m/ (rock on). He will all the sudden tell you your awesome and when your down he will cheer you up. He is easy to talk to and really funny. 

They are both my best friends and I love them both but just like best friends nothing more. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Hello people that read or don't read this blog. Today I am going to talk about being labeled.

Today I was in a e-mail chat group for school to make more friends. Those plans went down the drain. I sent out and e-mail to everyone in the chat group telling them about myself and mentioned that I am emo mixed with prep and goth (I know what a weird mix) and I got a reply back from two girls. Here is what the first one said  " wow I did not know you were emo do you cut yourself ? sorry for asking I am a little bit scared that you said you were emo. Her exact words and my reply back is " no I do not cut myself and why are you scared I am emo?"  and then she told me why and I am not going to repeat it because I would take to long. The second girl said " If you are really emo then I'll pray for you" and then she asked for my age. 

This a lesson to anyone that is labelling themselves don't do it it will just get you in trouble.

More to come ups and downs get ready for my thanksgiving story ( will be here next week )  

Friday, November 7, 2008


Ok now I have talked about my first post, witches,halloween and music. Now I am going to talk about bullies but mostly cyber bullies because I am cyber schooled and have a a cyber bullie (grrrrrrrrr).

I have a cyber bullie and me and her have been going at it. We got into a fight about Barak Obama ( To all of you Obama lovers I am standing up for him). She says he is a terrorist and wants to blow up the USA ( how stupid right? ) she says he had something to do with 9/11 (witch is a not ture). She is driving me crazy the little witch. Oh and this is on a forum for school where everyone in and out of the class I take can see it . Now the teacher saw it and deleted it. So god knows what could happen she could e-mail me, she could post a forum about me gosh darn it she is pissing me off.
Well I am all worked up now and just about ready to send something (I don't know what) out the window.
more to come...

Monday, November 3, 2008


Here is a pic of my favorite band Tokio Hotel they rock I love there songs  Don't Jump , Monsoon and Scream. Look them up on you tube they rock. 

My music changes a lot I  went from being obsessed with the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus to liking Tokio Hotel and Flyleaf oh and The Police ( its a band) half of that change is from my music snob brother ( he can be a music snob but I love him) telling me they suck and I have realized he was right. 

Well I can't think of anything else to say so check back soon. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Happy Late Halloween ! 
Ok so normally Halloween is happy and fun but this year was a therapy appointment it was horrible

So I have a fear of clowns and let me tell you that fear came to life when witnessed my worst night mare. 
So I am all happy trick or treating having fun and then we get to this house and all of the sudden I see this clown the lawn of that house and not a happy clown a scary evil clown in a straight jacket rocking back and forth on the lawn and then another one on the pliers of the house being all scary and evil. I was freaked out ( I burst in to tears) it sucked.  By that time I wanted to go home but nooooooo my brother had to keep trick or treating. Ugh it sucks being the older sister but whatever. 

Well I need to get going. 

more to come...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hello people of earth this is my second post on my first blog. Today I am going to talk about the witches in the world.

So I go to girl scouts and let me tell you most of the girls are witches and I am not talking about witch craft witchs and stuff like that I am talking mean witches

Ok so this girl today can be really funny and nice some times but can be such a witch. Like today she made me spill my drink on myself grrrrrrrrr. Then there is this other girl who has made my hate list she toldme that all my fashion designs are ugly and called me a pimple face just because I have one small zit!

Some times I just want to slap them right across the face and maybe someday I will.

That is all for today I will should have a new post next week so tune in next time for Being Me Every Day ( And The Trouble It Gets Me Into)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First Post

This is my first post for my first blog.I am writing a blog because I thought it would be cool to have one.

 I live in what I call " a starter city" . Witch means it is bigger than the sticks but smaller than LA. I like it because I can walk every where and don't like it because I feel like its the Christen capital of the world and well I'm not. 

The truth is I don't know what I religion I want to follow. I am going to a UU church to find out. I like the UU because they encourage different religion views. Most of my class mates are die hard christens not that there is anything wrong with that but to day this girl in my class was talking about Adam and Eve in science for Pete sake.It makes me roll my eyes a lot. 

I am done with my classes and my mom has to work yuk and I am eating  something like mac and cheese for diner so I guess I will leave it at that. 

more to come...