Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hello this is one of the  2 posts I am going to post over the holidays and its about one of my sports bowling.

Every Saturday I have to wake up at 8:15 am to go to bowling (I hate wakening up early on Saturdays). My teams name is Rock and Bowl (not the name I would have picked) the girls are nice and stuff but not the people I would hang with. I am the worst player on the team most of the time but I'm pretty good for a beginner (I have no idea what my average is so don't ask). We are in 7th place I think. 

Well G&G are here(grandma and grandpa) so I gtg I'll post later.

more to come...............

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hi everyone I wanted to let u know that i am going to be taking a break for the holidays . There may be one or two more post during this break. I will still be checking in so leave any comments  you have.

Thanks For Reading!!!!!!