Thursday, December 4, 2008

Best Friends

Hi I am back from my Thanksgiving break and all ready have homework yuck. 

I am going to talk about my two best friends (they rock) one is a chick and one is a dude I will talk about the chick frist because we know the rule chicks first . 

My best chick friend or BCF she rocks she is the type of friend that will drop everything to be there for you. We are like sisters we talk like sisters we fight like sisters and she is there for me like a sister. But she will rat on you like a little sister or if  you are hurting your self or going  to she will totally rat you out but I love her she rocks.

Now I'll talk about my best dude friend or BD.He is awesome he is just like me except he is not a girl. He is a great listener and when you have a secret he will not tell plus the music he listens to is really cool \m/ (rock on). He will all the sudden tell you your awesome and when your down he will cheer you up. He is easy to talk to and really funny. 

They are both my best friends and I love them both but just like best friends nothing more.