Friday, January 2, 2009


This is a short post about Twilight there are no spoilers in here so if your looking for spoilers then look some where else.

I got the first two book of Twilight for Christmas and I read the first one in three days I am reading the second one now and slowly so that it will last longer. 

In the first book it takes you three chapters to really get in to it but then Edward makes you want to stay and you'll find out what I mean when you read the book if you read the book it is awesome i love it so if you don't have Twilight by it or if your library has it check it out please it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

more to come..................

Happy New Year

Yay It's 2009 woo 

My New Years was awesome My Best Chick Friend (or bcf) came home from Iowa. We got to have a sleep over and go to a new years party. It was really fun kinda we did get bored at times. I went to my friends friends house and hung out there. We had like two crews there. It was me my bcf her friend and her so to be maybe step cousin Then we had my brother my bcf's brothers and bcf's friend brother. It's confusing but whatever We had fun and of course stayed up to mid night\m/ rock on!!!!!! but then had to go to bed. 

Today i had school which was really stupid cause tomorrow is the week end oh well sucks for me. My Grandmas B-day is Monday so Happy B-Day Grandma 
We are going to celebrate tonight. 
well nothing else is going on so since my break is over I will be posting more so bye